10 Ideas for Holiday Experiential Marketing Campaigns 2021

The holidays are here, and that means holiday marketing campaigns. With expanded consumer spending, and more physical foot traffic in stores, now is the best time to get the absolute most out of your marketing budget. Here are 10 ideas you can use for your holiday experiential marketing campaign. 

1. Let customers sample your product

A great tactic to let your customers try your products while enticing them with a free experience is to use product samples. This lets you show off the best your brand has to offer with the goal being a long-term connection between you and potential consumers. 

This technique also leads to a high rate of activations, because who is going to turn down a free sample? Having brand ambassadors who are knowledgeable about the product can help boost this tactic, as they can answer any questions potential customers may have.

2. Cater a charity Event

‘Tis the season of giving, and there is no shortage of charity events your brand could sponsor. A solid example of this tactic would be to provide catering to a charity marathon. A well-placed food truck giving out cost-effective snacks and water to participants could make a very positive impression! Who says a holiday experiential marketing campaign can’t mean giving back to the community?

3. Have a holiday tie-in product

Another great use for a mobile pop-up is to promote a product specifically designed for the holidays. You could design a food or beverage using well-known winter flavors like mint and chocolate, and let consumers try them at several different locations. One of the keys to a good holiday experiential marketing campaign is to make your promotion as holiday themed as possible. 

4. Create Promotions Centered Around Holiday Events

With Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all on the horizon, there should be plenty of opportunities for highly populated events you can target with well-crafted promotions. Identify an area filled with your key demographic, and then design a campaign that reaches those consumers. 

This could be a festive food truck selling holiday themed treats outside a Black Friday event, a mobile pop-up shop giving out merchandise with qr codes near a busy shopping center, or anything else that will get your brand image into the minds of eager shoppers. 

5. Host your own Event

Why simply attend an event, when you can design one all your own? This holiday experiential marketing tactic lets you control every aspect of your promotion, meaning you have that much more control over the outcome. Though this can be slightly more costly, this tactic often leads to great results. 

6. Hot Beverage Mobile Pop-up

The holiday season can be frigid, and nothing brings people in like the promise of a hot coffee or cocoa. A mobile pop-up shop with your brand and products displayed in an eye-catching way can further help draw weary shoppers in. Once they have a steaming cup in their hands, it will be that much easier for your brand ambassadors to make that vital connection. 

Building a holiday experiential marketing campaign around hot beverages may seem simple, but that’s part of the beauty of this tactic. Customers will attach the positive experience getting to warm up for a moment and taste something sweet, with your brand. It’s a subtle way to tie a positive experience with what your company offers. 

7. Schedule a Mobile Marketing Tour

With so many different spots yielding great results during the holiday season, choosing just one can be difficult. A mobile marketing tour makes the choice for you, by just saying “all of them!” This tactic lets you select several different places that will benefit most from a marketing promotion. Festive concerts, busy malls, wherever you believe your target demographic will be during the holiday season. 

8. Dress your Brand Ambassadors up for the season

This tactic can be used in conjunction with many others on this list, and helps add to the overall experience of any holiday promotion. Giving your brand ambassadors the appearance of winter creatures or holiday characters can help bring a marketing event to life. The goal here is to leave an impression, and this tactic will certainly accomplish that. 

9. Mobile present showroom

People love having the chance to win something and the mystery of a wrapped box. That’s one of the elements that make gift-giving so exciting; You’re never quite sure what you are going to get. 

Using an experimental vehicle like a mobile showroom, you can offer consumers the chance at a free gift if they participate in a small product demo. Using a vehicle like a glass box truck is especially effective, as you could fill it with holiday-themed decor and wrapped boxes.

10. Put on a Product Demonstration

Who doesn’t love a free show? It’s not hard to find a spot with heavy foot traffic during the shopping season, and it’s even easier when you have a mobile experiential vehicle. Choose a spot, let consumers try or see what your product can do, and brand activations should flow in. 

This is mainly for products that can’t be sampled, like food and beverages. If you have a product or service that you believe can benefit from a professional demonstration, this tactic is one of the best you can use.

Here’s Hoping your Holiday Campaign is a Success!

Who doesn’t love a free show? It’s not hard to find a spot with heavy foot traffic during the shopping season, and it’s even easier when you have a mobile experiential vehicle. Choose a spot, let consumers try or see what your product can do, and brand activations should flow in. 

This is mainly for products that can’t be sampled, like food and beverages. If you have a product or service that you believe can benefit from a professional demonstration, this tactic is one of the best you can use.

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Mobile Experiential Marketing: Bringing Your Brand to the Streets

With shorter attention spans and fast-paced entertainment, it’s not surprising that the world of marketing is undergoing an identity crisis. What used to consistently pull in brand activations and long-term customer engagement just isn’t working anymore, and more traditional methods of marketing are having lower and lower efficacy rates. That’s why many companies are turning to the cutting-edge world of mobile experiential marketing

What is Mobile Experiential Marketing?

Mobile experiential marketing is a guerrilla marketing strategy that involves close-up customer connection, and physical brand interaction. This advanced subset of experiential marketing takes the tried-and-true tactics of your traditional engagement marketing campaign, and gives it the added benefit of mobility. The world isn’t sitting in one spot, why should your marketing campaign?

With mobile experiential marketing, you can select multiple areas with the same promotional event, helping your brand interact with different samples of your target demographic. Instead of organizing a singular stationary promotion like a pop-up shop, you can pack up that promotion and ship it to a new location with ease. You may be asking, how exactly is this possible? Well the answer to that lies in the different forms that mobile experiential marketing takes. The first step in establishing your campaign is choosing what type of method you will use.

There are several different kinds of branded vehicles that would work for your guerrilla marketing campaign, and each have distinct advantages to help you garner long term customers. Make sure to choose a tactic that best aligns with your brand’s image, and what you think will connect best with your customer base. 

Step 1. Choose a Mobile Experiential Marketing Method

Before you design your campaign, you’ll first want to look at what the foundation for your strategy will be. There are many different ways to house your brand experience, and which one you choose depends entirely on your specific campaign goals. Here are two effective mobile experiential marketing variations.

These consumers then connect the positive experience created by your branded food truck and associate it with your product or service. This helps ensure long-term emotional connections between you and your customers.

Mobile Pop-Up Shops

We mentioned pop-up shops above, but what about their mobile counterpart? Pop-up shops have long been known to be an effective marketing tool to garner customer engagement and interest. You walk by a retail space that was empty only yesterday, and suddenly there is a bright and flashy new coffee shop promoting an upcoming movie. That surprise and intrigue is naturally enticing to the average consumer, and more often than not, they’ll be compelled to come inside. 

So how is a mobile shop superior? Imagine this surprise and mystique, but with the added element of scarcity. A mobile shop is, by its very nature, more transitory than a traditional pop-up shop. Mobile shops occupy a space for the span of a single day, and therefore consumers will feel even more of that ever-valuable F.O.M.O. With a pop-up shop, you can say “Oh maybe I’ll go in there tomorrow.” With a mobile shop, the call-to-action is immediate. They have to come now because it won’t be here tomorrow. 

These consumers then connect the positive experience created by your branded food truck and associate it with your product or service. This helps ensure long-term emotional connections between you and your customers.

Branded Food Trucks

A branded food truck is simply that: a food truck that’s been wrapped in your brand’s unique image. Your immediately identifiable logo will be strongly associated with the positive experience of a delicious meal. Not only that, but you’ll have that logo catch far more eyes than it would at a stationary food stand. 

Customers will be engaged by the meal, but that’s not the only connection they’ll make through this marketing method. Brand ambassadors will also be there to further connect them to your company, using QR-codes to gather information and offer special promotions to entice further engagement. Food and a friendly face combine to pull in potential consumers and foster a real connection between them and your brand.

Step 2. Decide on branding for your Mobile Experiential Marketing Vehicle

Once you’ve chosen a type of mobile experiential marketing, you’ll want to decide how you’ll advertise your brand on that vehicle. Professional experiential marketers can often help decide this for you, as their teams are well versed in what type of imagery best catches the eye. The key here is to think about what will not only grab people passing by on the street but what will get the attention of those you pass as they’re driving? 

A big mistake many brands make is not considering how their imaging will look on the go (hence, leaving this sort of decision to the professionals.) If you end up smashing too many words or graphics onto your vehicle, it will look like little more than a blur when driving by potential consumers. Make the image simple yet provocative, and have ways the customers can find more information online clearly displayed.

Step 3. Select an area comprised mainly of your Target Demographic

This step depends heavily on what type of customer you are intending to reach. You’ll want to research where your target demographic resides, and what location would best allow you to connect with them.  For example, if you are selling fitness-related products, you would want to select areas near gyms or fitness centers. 

Choosing incorrectly could mean an unsuccessful mobile experiential marketing campaign and an unnecessary drain on your budget. If your promotions are established in an area where no one is interested, then why would anyone want to connect with your brand. Choosing the right areas can be difficult, and this is where it is again always better to seek out the guidance of trained marketers. 

Where can I get help with my mobile experiential marketing campaign?

Designing a mobile experiential marketing campaign is not easy, and takes years of experience to pull off. The best way to establish your experiential strategy is to go through a company that specializes in this marketing style. If you want the absolute best in the industry, you’ll want to choose Food Truck Promotions

At FTP, our mobile marketing campaigns have helped big-name businesses like Chanel, Adidas, Arizona Ice Tea, and Dior successfully advertise their brands. We take the time to research what style of mobile marketing works best for you, and where exactly our promotions will be the most effective. 

If you want a better R.O.I for your marketing campaigns and stronger connections with potential consumers, then mobile experiential marketing is for you. Simply contact us or learn more about us here.

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