With September in full-swing, we’ll discuss brand activations examples that are relevant during the fall and winter seasons.
Fall in particular is a great time to employ in-person, experiential marketing tactics because with the cool, enjoyable weather, you’re able to activate outside and capitalize on foot-traffic in a major market of your choice.
Keep in mind that Food Truck Promotions specializes mostly in outdoor activations, transforming vehicles into branded experiences that passer-bys can stumble upon, and fall is our busiest season. Winter, too, has proven to be a as a good time as any to bring brand awareness with experiential marketing activations. One, because being outdoors is not necessary, and two, because when you do activate on the streets, you bring a sense of excitement during chillier months.
Of all the different ways ur clients have used our experiential marketing services to put on brand activation campaigns, the examples we will discuss all include one special element: hot chocolate! Many of our clients opt into our culinary services as a way to attract consumers, and one especially effective way to do it is by offering free hot-chocolate during sweater weather! Here are some success stories: