Why Is Anti-Advertising Effective?
Understanding what anti-advertising is isn’t rocket science; it’s what it sounds like. They’re self-deprecating or poke fun at the concept of marketing and ads themselves. Some even tell consumers specifically not to buy a brand’s product.
Sounds counter-productive, no? For many people, however, anti-advertising is like a breath of fresh air in an oversaturated environment. When brands are self-aware and acknowledge what they’re trying to do (i.e., sell their products, increases sales, gain new followers on social media, etc.), consumers appreciate their frankness.
So, this counter-message is a powerful message in itself. And it works, especially with savvy Millennials and Gen Zers.
But, why is anti-advertising effective? The bottom line is consumers value trust in a brand above all else. Anti-advertising is a novel strategy to building trust between brands and their customers by being honest. And that honesty is refreshing. Anti-advertising allows brands to cut through the noise that makes audiences want to take notice.