The answer to how to create a pop-up shop is quite simple and convenient. Rather than approaching a real estate agent right away, look for vacant storefronts that would rent out the space for you at a much lower rate.
Remember that pop-up shops also allow emerging brands to showcase their work and what they’re bringing to the market. So sticking to the idea of setting up a low-budget shop should be kept in mind at all times.
It’s just fine if your pop-up shop looks exactly like a regular store. As long as the goal of the pop-up is fulfilled- showing off your brand- the actual method of finding space is less important.
You can also use plazas or quads for your shop. Bringing a trailer to a field is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to set up a pop-up.
Before you finish your space, make sure to familiarize yourself with all licenses, permits, and insurances you might need in your city. Ensuring proper paperwork will save you from a lot of hassle in the future.