Street Marketing: How to Speak Directly to the Customers and Win Them Over

Times are changing fast, and your marketing strategies need to change with them. Consumers aren’t won over by glittery commercials or sultry radio ads.They understand how products work, and what they want from a brand. 

Modern consumers have access to a wealth of information, and aren’t going to fall for cheap ploys. You need to speak to them directly, show them respect, and win them over with proven marketing tactics. 

That’s why it’s time to try something new. When traditional marketing fails, the world of guerrilla marketing usually has an answer. In this case, that answer is: Street Marketing  

What is Street Marketing?

Street marketing is an alternative way to market the products or services your business is offering. With print media dying and television ad spots stretching budgetary limits, sometimes it’s best to think outside of the box. So does this mean delving into the digital world of social media marketing? Not exactly. 

While digital and social media marketing is incredibly useful, it is also incredibly oversaturated. Today’s consumers are used to seeing ads line the sides of their facebook and instagram, and have learned to tune them out. 

Street Marketing is exactly that: marketing on the street. No, not big billboards or ads on the side of buses. Street marketing involves fliers, posters and coupons, handed directly to the consumer. This should be done by someone knowledgeable about the business, and the reason for that is simple.

Speaking directly to the customer

Don’t hire just anyone to hand out a flyer or coupon. Have someone who can engage customers on their level, and answer questions they have about the product or service. This is the advantage of street marketing. 

With street marketing you have the opportunity for clear and instant feedback. Without even trying a product, customers can let you know what they think about certain aspects. Two major aspects they could give feedback on is price and appearance.


With a flyer or coupon, you are showing the price of the product or service to the customer. Make sure to closely study their reaction. Do they laugh at the idea of paying that much? Do they question why the price is so low? Without lowering confidence in what you are selling, try to gauge where your price falls. From here, you can make adjustments.

It can be difficult to place a value on certain products or services without speaking to customers first. In this way, you get a feel for what the people think, and what their budgets can account for. Overpricing a product can doom it to sit on shelves, while underpricing can cause irreparable damage to your bottom line. It’s important to take the time, use the feedback, and use street marketing to find out what works best.


Another aspect you can receive criticism on is the appearance of the product, or even the flyer. Does the potential customer find the flyer visually appealing? Do they look at the flyer with confusion, or disgust? Again, monitoring their reaction during the entirety of the interaction is vital.

Now, what about the product? Ask a couple of questions if they have the time. Do you enjoy the look of the product? Does this look like something you would spend money on? What do you dislike? All of these can help influence future design decisions.

Time to start

There isn’t much left to do but begin the strategy for your street marketing campaign. Decide what form of physical handout you will have, what will go on it, and who will handle the direct customer interaction. Not only is this method incredibly cost effective, but it has been proven to be very efficient. Get the feedback you want now, and optimize your business’s output ability today!

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